February Lady Sweater has been restarted!! I pulled it out today and it was farther along than I thought. I worked on it a bit in the car today and I'm hoping I can finish it by the fall.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Charade Socks Done, Monkeys Begun
I finally finished my Charade socks!! We went on a road trip to Hershey Park yesterday and I had two hours on the way there to finish and finish I did. I wasn't sure what to begin after this project. I took both another adult sock pattern with some Mini Mochi I got a while ago as well as a baby sock pattern I thought I could use to stock up on baby gifts. Then I remembered that I don't have any prospective baby girls to knit for...instead I started crocheting a scarf with the left over yarn just to keep my hands moving!
Today we did another road trip to the beach and I started Monkey socks! I've had that pattern queued for years and I'm finally "taking the plunge". I'm just part way down the first cuff for the second time. Since I haven't started a sock since 2009 my tension was completely off and I was making a sock for a giant! I frogged it, started over and I'm finally on my way!
Today we did another road trip to the beach and I started Monkey socks! I've had that pattern queued for years and I'm finally "taking the plunge". I'm just part way down the first cuff for the second time. Since I haven't started a sock since 2009 my tension was completely off and I was making a sock for a giant! I frogged it, started over and I'm finally on my way!
Monday, June 10, 2013
90% Done
The Charade Socks are almost done! I'm sincerely hoping I'll have them done in the next few days. My husband is off work and we might be taking some long drives so that makes good knitting time! I'll keep you posted...
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Dance Your Heart Out and a New Sweater
My niece got to try on her Baby Sophisticate today! I still need the buttons but I am happy to say that I estimated appropriately and it should fit perfectly this fall!
Tonight was Maya, Anna and their
friends' dance recital. They danced in two number and had a great time!
Here are a few pictures from getting ready and the performance! We had
Salon de Mom for their hair and make up, very fancy!
At one point Maya and her friends were getting antsy. I asked her friend, Anna, who I just taught to knit what would make her feel better. She looked at me and said, "I just want to knit!" So we did.
At one point Maya and her friends were getting antsy. I asked her friend, Anna, who I just taught to knit what would make her feel better. She looked at me and said, "I just want to knit!" So we did.

Saturday, June 8, 2013
Another Little Knitter
Ever since I taught Maya how to knit I've thought about teaching her friend, Anna, since they are together a lot. I figured that when they have down time they could knit together. Maya finds it relaxing so it was worth a try!
I had a gift card to Joann Fabric along with a few coupons so I decided to find Anna some PINK knitting supplies to entice her. I did the same as what I did for Maya: thick yarn and big needles!
Friday, June 7, 2013
D to the O-N-E again!!!
I'm finally, finally getting back into my knitting full force. Last night I finished my second Baby Sophisticate of the week! I still need to to some finishing work (weaving in the ends and get some buttons) but I should hopefully have it ready to give my nephew this weekend.
Now I'm on to the socks I've been neglecting since 2009. I'm also thinking of taking my February Lady Sweater out of hibernation, also from 2009. I'll have to check it out and make sure I really want to finish it! It was originally a knit-along that I was doing with my sister and sister in law but we all fell off the bandwagon.I'll also back into my running full force. I have been running every week but not as much as I'd like to. I've gone four times this week and it feels great! I'm finding that I have more energy and focus, I just wish that I could put that energy and focus into getting my house back in order...
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Warm Fuzzies
The other day one of my friends said she had a few things for me in her car at school drop off. She gives me tons of hand me downs and I'm constantly leaving things at other peoples houses. She handed me a few things and then said she got me a gift. (Completely unexpected!!) She knows my obsession wtih all things British and she saw a make up case on the clearance aisle with a London theme and she picked it up for me! It's so warm and fuzzy to know people are thinking of you!
As soon as she gave it to me I knew how it would be used. I have a few small knitting projects but only one small project bag that my sister made me. I have already loaded it up and put it in my bigger knitting bag. It's the perfect size for my sock project and I can just grab it and go when I don't want my bigger project! It's the small things that make me happy...
Today was Maya's last day of gymnastics. My friend, Mandi, watched Simon and I had fifty uninterrupted minutes to continue work on my nephew's sweater. I seriously did about four rows in between chatting and looking for Maya but it's four rows further than I was! I'm hoping this will be finished by Saturday because I'm seeing both my niece and nephew for Maya's dance recital!
In the words of the Little Engine That Could, "I can do it! I can do it!"
Monday, June 3, 2013
Ahhhh, what a day!
Saturday was one of those days that just worked out. Maya and my mother in law went into the American Girl Store in Manhattan and Maya was in HEAVEN! She got a doll, had her hair done, ears pierced and lunch with her Grandma Rose. She cannot stop talking about it and both of them were glowing with happiness afterwards!
I got to spend the day with my little brother who lives in the city. He and I have definitely become closer as adults (I went to college when he was eleven and was married when he was seventeen) and it was fun to hang out with him as siblings (aka without kids!). We even had wine...we were super sophisticated... On a side note, if you find yourself looking for a wine bar in Manhattan check out Cork Buzz and, if you're adventurous, order the chicken liver mousse with lemon-thyme doughnuts. Sounds crazy but it was unbelievably delicious!
On the way into the city I did get some knitting done. I cast on the collar of my nephew's Baby Sophisticate and got some rows done. I'm seeing him next weekend for Maya's recital, I'm hoping I can finish it by then!
Rembember there is still time to order your Jamberry Nails!
At checkout choose "MammaGranate Online Party" from the drop down box beside "is this order associated with a party?"
Right now it's buy three get one free!
Party ends June 14th
Saturday, June 1, 2013
It's a Joke!
I admit that I haven't had the time to knit in the past few days. I've been cleaning, having playdates for the kids and trying not to melt in this crazy weather! I did venture out for a run yesterday morning and I thought I might dissolve into the pavement! I'm looking forward to Sunday when it's cooler out.
Hopefully I'll have more to post knitting wise soon! On another note let me tell you a story...
So I have this friend, Alan. He's
one of those people who will go for a challenge, especially if its
funny. One of his friends found a strange picture, one that has been
circulating facebook. Chances are you might have seen it but if not,
here it is:
friend joked with him that he needed to take a picture of him with his
cat, Emily, and have it posed similarly. When we were all together one
time he mentioned it and how funny it would be to do that picture but he
certainly wasn't going to pay for that! Since Mandi and I have started
blogging I've been learning a lot about Photoshop and I decided to offer
up my services. I figured that it was good trial and error and an
opportunity to learn more about photo editing and, if it didn't turn out
right it was okay. So here is what I came up with:
business for me? Creepy cat pictures? I find it amusing and had fun
learning new things about Photoshop. For all my hard work I need to make
sure that Alan hangs it up in his living room. To be fair I think I
need to do one of our friend (and Alan's wife) Kristen posing with
EmilyCat. I wouldn't want her to feel left out...
(Story reposted from my other blog, MammaGranate)
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Manicures for Knitters!
I have tried the Sally Hansen nail polish stickers and have had wonderful results, however, I very much dislike taking nail polish off. I feel like I spend all night with a cotton ball in hand stinking like acetone. Well enter Jamberry Nail Shields, they are my new answer!!
Here's what attracted me to these
particular nail shields: they are NOT nail polish! These are easy on, easy off! They go on with a heat source
(hair dryer) and off the same way. (You can also soak them in acetone
for a "gentler" removal.)
suggestion, if you decide to try them, is to watch some YouTube videos
on tips for applying them. I read some reviews where people had some
difficulty so I researched, learned their tricks and they went on pretty
easily. I can see how it might be quicker with practice but definitely
worth it!
They were on for a week and not only did the stay on but they look adorable! I got antsy and changed it up last night, I'm loving them!
I am hosting an online "party"! Feel free to click on the link below and have fun with hassle free nails. Let us know which patterns you choose. I think my next order will include the lollipop chevron...
They were on for a week and not only did the stay on but they look adorable! I got antsy and changed it up last night, I'm loving them!
I am hosting an online "party"! Feel free to click on the link below and have fun with hassle free nails. Let us know which patterns you choose. I think my next order will include the lollipop chevron...
Feel free to click on the link:
At check out, they will choose "MammaGranate online party" from the drop down box beside "is this order associated with a party?"
Right now it's buy 3 get one free!!
Party ends June 14
At check out, they will choose "MammaGranate online party" from the drop down box beside "is this order associated with a party?"
Right now it's buy 3 get one free!!
Party ends June 14
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
D to the O-N-E
So today I brought the sweater with me to Maya's gymnastics and finished that darned thing!!! All I need is buttons, my niece and some cold weather!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
For real?
So yesterday I was determined to finish the Baby Sophisticate. Even I'm tired of hearing that! I did a few rows with Maya as we were watching a show on North American animals during Simon's nap. I helped her a bit and then NEVER FINISHED my project! It is SO close.
On the other hand I did have Maya and Simon clean our finds from Goodwill. We set them up with their water table, sponges and a hose and let them go, mission accomplished! I also got in a good run, had tea with the kids and breakfast for dinner - I would say that this day was a success! Maybe I'll finish it tomorrow...
Monday, May 27, 2013
Getting there!
Yesterday we went to the Goodwill Outlet. You heard me correctly, outlet. I believe that they sell the stuff that the Goodwill stores haven't sold and when they try to switch up the inventory they send it to the outlet. We did find some treasures but we had to sift through a lot of stuff to find them. There was definitely yarn there, however, nothing I was really interested in using...
I did get some knitting done on the way. I have about four rows left to finish my niece's Baby Sophisticate! I'm determined to finish it tomorrow and start on my nephew's sweater!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Found It!
So yesterday I tore apart my closet looking for the project I'll never finish with the extra yarn to finish my nieces sweater. I recently went through my house and donated tons of things and then it hit me - I probably got rid of it. I must have figured that I would never finish it so I got rid of it. I was so incredibly frustrated and was scheming how I could get enough yarn to finish the project but not have to buy the entire pound of yarn! I was trying to figure out if I could change to another color, just end it there when I decided to take one more look. I FOUND IT!! It was in my yarn stash hiding under a bag of yarn scraps. I'm so relieved, I can finally finish it.
On a funny note, Maya saw my yarn and asked if she could go to the store and get a box of yarn just like I have! She has also planned out her next few projects; first a hat, then an ankle bracelet. I love it, she is hooked!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Little Knitter
When is a child old enough to learn to knit? I've tried a few times and
my five and a half year old daughter, Maya, has finally taken to it! We
started on some scrap yarn but it just wasn't right. I wanted bigger
needles and thicker yarn so she would see the progress to keep her
motivated. We went to Loop in Philly, one of the shops I frequented when
we lived there. I used to take Maya there when she was a baby and, to
my surprise, they remembered us! I just love local yarn shops...
Maya and I had fun on our mother daughter date to choose her supplies. I figure that I should get her hooked on the good stuff, she will get super into knitting and then we can get some cheaper stuff to supplement. She chose a chunky, thick and thin variegated yarn, Malabrigo Aquarella in the colorway Paysandu, which is beautiful pinks and purples. She got some Crystal Palace bamboo needles in size 11 and she also chose a cute project bag, I'm a sucker for knitting supplies! If my husband and two year old weren't waiting for us we might have purchased more...
We got started that night. She sat on my lap
and I cast on ten stitches. She watched me do a few stitches, we did a
few with her hands on mine and then I watched and coached her while she
finished the row. She did amazing for a beginner! It was so hard to let
her make mistakes because I knew how to fix them but she really seemed
to get it. We are now trying to knit together when we have down time and
she has dubbed it her "favorite thing". She even brought it in for show
and tell!
Maya and I had fun on our mother daughter date to choose her supplies. I figure that I should get her hooked on the good stuff, she will get super into knitting and then we can get some cheaper stuff to supplement. She chose a chunky, thick and thin variegated yarn, Malabrigo Aquarella in the colorway Paysandu, which is beautiful pinks and purples. She got some Crystal Palace bamboo needles in size 11 and she also chose a cute project bag, I'm a sucker for knitting supplies! If my husband and two year old weren't waiting for us we might have purchased more...
Friday, May 24, 2013
Look what I realized...
I finally pulled out my knitting, brushed off the needles and realized why the Baby Sophisticate hasn't been finished. I'm out of yarn. I have a project I can frog to get more yarn...I just need to find it!
Meanwhile I'll work on my Charade socks. I started them on a trip to the Adirondacks for my friends wedding. I was determined to finish them by winter of 2009, two months to finish sock should be easy, right? Argh, apparently I was wrong! I seriously have about two inches left. I'm determined to finish these socks by the time it's sock weather again!
My goal for the summer is to finish these two sweaters and the socks.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Get out of the bag!
I have two current projects on the needles and a few hibernating in the closet. I mentioned before that I'm working on sweaters (Baby Sophisticate) for my niece and nephew. They are so close to being done! I have all but half the coller done on my niece's sweater and all but the whole coller done on my nephews. I'll take pictures of the progess; hopefully tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Wannabe Knitting Bag
I love the Jordana Paige knitting bags. They look like purses, have the function of knitting bags but I'd rather buy yarn and patterns. I found it though, my newest knitting bag! To top it off, it was ON SALE!!
I found this Deena and Ozzy bag at Urban Outfitter's 50% off the sale price sale; it came out to $10!!! (I can't resist a good sale!) It's vegan "leather" so I'm guessing somewhat water resistant and extremely roomy. It has a great pocket on the outside for patterns, tape measure, etc. Now I just need to finish the knitting projects that are inside it...
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Let's Try This Again
I'll admit, I was super duper into knitting. Then I had kids and, while I wanted to knit, the time wasn't presenting itself! I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I have hibernating projects that range in start time from Memorial Day Weekend 2009 to baby sweaters for my niece and nephew who turned one in March. Thankfully I had the foresight to make them size 18 month!!
So here I go, back into my knitting adventure!
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